Orchid, Saccolabium Giganteum Fine Art Botanical Print

Brandywine General Store

SKU: 85 botanical

An archival premium Quality Botanical Print of the Saccolabium Giganteum Orchid by Frederick Sander for sale by Brandywine General Store. The artist used this orchid as an illustration in his 1888 book called Reichenbachia in which this was plate or picture number 22 in Series 01 showing a large flower with a huge green stalk and white flowers tinged with red. This orchid first became known to Science in the early part of the 19th century through Doctor Wallich, who received it from one of his collectors who gathered it from Prome in Lower Burmah. It was not seen again until 1859 when the late Dr. Sumner, Bishop of Winchester, received some plants from a friend in Burmah, one of which flowered for the first time in the Bishop's garden at Farnham Castle in 1862. This orchid continued to be extremley rare until the 1880s when it was reintroduced by M. Linden. It was found in Cochin China and was found to be one of the most common orchids of that country. The Saccolabium Giganteum grows on trees along the skirts of the forest, sometimes on the highest branches, when in flower its powerful fragrance always makes it presence known. This description was from the Book A Manual of Orchidaceous Plants cultivated under glass in Great Britain, published in 1893. Botanical art print #85

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